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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hey Monster Hunter, cool it with the cat puns.

Yeah no, you're fired. But I'm sure you'll... LAND ON YOUR FEET.

I'm not much for Japan's fixation on cute things, I tend to tolerate it more than anything. But the cats in this game are pretty great and that's coming from a dyed in the wool dog person. I was able to make mine look like a fox and foxes get you points from me. Lots.

I was on board until a conversation with my new mouse keep- I mean house keeper became wall to wall cats puns. Didn't get one sentence through with this guy before he dropped a "purrrr-fection" on the floor. Right in front of everybody.

I love puns but that's not what these are. This is technically assault, cat people. Cool it.


I'm sorry, is this like a medical condition for you guys? Are you physically able to stop talking like a lazy writer?