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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Everyday can't be the best day

But some days you try to use a coupon for what you think is for $11 off a $45 prescription and it turns out that's what it cost now. $11. For a year. Also my bosom podcasting buddy Chance gifted me Gucamelee! 2 an hour before I was going to buy it myself. On account of me magically saving nearly $400 a year. Remember that? I do.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Disenchantment's theme is sneakily great.

It's not as immediately catchy as Groening's past projects but the more I hear it over the course of the season the more I like it. It's a gentle mariachi/klezmer swirl and it's a lot like the show. It may not blow your mind immediately but keep listening. There's got more layers than it lets on.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Chilledcow Radio*

So as always I'm late to a party, or at least later than a vice puff piece on one of youtube's best kept secrets. It's a bunch of chill hip hop beats looped endlessly day and night while a studious girl with googly eyes on her headphones writes in her diary.

I wish I had an echo or something so that this played in my apartment all the time. The songs can get repetitive at times but after a while I started to dig it. They're like mantras and I hear them even when I'm not listening to them, if that makes any sense. It's audible prozac, is what I'm saying. I hope y'all can do chilledcow a solid and like and subscribe:

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Danny Mcbride is coming for the Coen brothers.

Image result for mcbride arizona

You don't make a movie like this and call it Arizona without evoking two of the brother's best movies and you know what? I'm all in on a movie like this written by comedy writers. Not that the Coens aren't funny but over the years (the tail end of eastbound and Vice principles) Mcbride got DAMN funny. And that's exactly what this looks like. Plus where the hell has David Allen Grier been?

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hey Monster Hunter, cool it with the cat puns.

Yeah no, you're fired. But I'm sure you'll... LAND ON YOUR FEET.

I'm not much for Japan's fixation on cute things, I tend to tolerate it more than anything. But the cats in this game are pretty great and that's coming from a dyed in the wool dog person. I was able to make mine look like a fox and foxes get you points from me. Lots.

I was on board until a conversation with my new mouse keep- I mean house keeper became wall to wall cats puns. Didn't get one sentence through with this guy before he dropped a "purrrr-fection" on the floor. Right in front of everybody.

I love puns but that's not what these are. This is technically assault, cat people. Cool it.


I'm sorry, is this like a medical condition for you guys? Are you physically able to stop talking like a lazy writer?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Gita Jackson nailed it today.

I've been in No Man's Sky for a while now, enough to start a review. While I do very much enjoy and continue to enjoy it... I have notes. Chief among them what Miss Jackson so eloquently put today:

Sentinels Need To Chill

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Postcards from the edge.

I've been having a breezily good time with no man's sky and couldn't help but take some pictures. You should all check out the review aggregate on steam's page. The recent positives are flying off the damn chart.

So anybody heard of the jakalope hoax?
The gallant star ship: Ernesto MK II. I honestly miss it's cockpit. I don't think the new intern is working out.
Time to make the doughnuts.
If you've been skipping most of the dialogue... stop that.
The way this thing walks is as biologically accurate as it is heart breaking.
Di-hydrogen crystals for scale.

Abrielle-S12: The intern.