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Monday, September 7, 2015

This guy's code name is "Death Platypus"

Ya'll have a wonderful day now.

Isn't Pedro Pascal just the best?

Zap2it's got a great interview with my new favorite character actor Pedro Pascal. He's great in Narcos and he has Games of Throne's best death scene (two year old spoiler). My man crush is strong with this one and his story of getting into Javier Pena's character is worth your 2 minutes. Zap to it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I'm not saying I'm great at MGSV.

This chick, ROCKS.

But I sure don't suck. Though I should stop trying to run through the front door every time. That's my problem, I'm dealing with it.

Monday, August 31, 2015

I'm in.

Snappy installation, reasonable 20 gig install, stable frame rate so far, completely intelligible story with a tinge of sci-fi horror... this must be a Kojima joint. Great stuff so far. Though your buddy in the hospital is too competent an actor to not also be Kiefer Sutherland*. Everyone else sounds like they're reading thier lines before thier second cup of coffee. Love the game, but I'm going to rag on Kojima's story telling and actor direction so hard. That's just going to happen.

*Or it's Troy Baker. Whatever.

One more Week.

I just wanna stick my hands hands in it!

One more week and my first, and only, Kickstarter shows up on my hard drive. A lot of people have that one game. The game that got them so young just thinking of the title screen make them feel a little better. The Neverhood is that game to me. The thing that finally comunicated to my dad and sisters that not all games were completely insipid. That was really important to me.

 The dev blogs were nice, but Armikrog wasn't real until I saw that screen shot. Just like that, I'm home again.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Is Konami gonna pull an Arkham Knight?

I mean, here we are again. A game has rave reviews on the ps4 but nobodies said a word about how the PC version is. Is this another case of a less than reputable company cashing out on pc pre order-

Whoops. My finger slipped. I own MGSV now. At least ground zeros is free...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Show me a Hero Mini-Review: Train Wreck in Slow Motion.

Let me be clear, the fact that this show is a train wreck is completely intentional. This is a small town civic tragedy that will suck you in and will not let go. In 1988 A judge demanded that Yonkers NY. build 8 affordable housing projects in order to integrate it's blizzard-condition white populous. In the hands of a lesser crew, the lines of good and evil would be clearly drawn: projects development good/small white town prejudice bad. Unfortunately, that is not something David Simon has ever done. Up to, and including, this miniseries.

You care about the families, young and old, that are forced to live in NY's decrepit projects. That's the easy part. The fact you end up rooting for the achingly naive mayor Frank Wasicsko's quixote-esque quest to stop a federal ruling is not. Oscar Isaac is so quietly endearing he could have been lobbying for the deportation of infants and I'd still hear him out.

There are no easy answers in the first 2 episodes, I dare say there's no answers at all. The entire situation sucks. Hard working middle class people will have their property values thrown into the sh**ter against their will. But their childish belly aching towards their impotent public figures burns away any sympathy they're owed. The town hall meeting in episode 2 pulses with an anger that's hard to define. It feels like you're there, when it ended I was completely worn down. But again, the most lovable character in this show ran on a platform to keep Yonkers white. If Game of Thrones didn't teach you a lesson about history not having any real villains, this will.

Like nearly all of Simon's work, this is more of an historical record than entertainment. The fact it's also rapturously compelling is a bonus, I guess.