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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Awake: R.I.P

(written March 2012)
Awake is the kind of TV I wish I saw more of. It takes a popular form of storytelling (police procedural) and gives it a premise so bizarre, yet relatable, that it almost becomes its own genre.
Awake takes place in the aftermath of Det. Michael Britten’s fatal car accident. Afterwards he can’t seem to remember who died in it. It was either his wife or his son; one lives in reality the other in his dreams. So that begs the question . . . which is the dream?

The procedural elements of the show itself are also surprisingly novel. Each episode chronicles two cases with two different partners, though they seem to have random elements in common. In one reality a killer’s apartment number may be the same as the other killer’s parking spot. It rewards those who pay attention.

But while the show ticks off its checklist of prime time TV necessities it finds the breathing room to show a family drama that’s never really been done before, and if it has, I doubt Jason Isaacs (Draco Malfoy’s dad) was there to knock it out of the park. His content confusion coupled with over medicated depression is the highlight of an already exemplary piece of entertainment. He loves the idea he never has to let either part of his family go forever, but he also has to watch them both suffer without the other. It’s heartbreaking.

As it stands, it’s one of the best TV pilots I’ve ever seen. Its complicated premise is effortlessly explained ten minutes in and then segways gracefully into the story as if it’s a show that’s been on for years. If it gets tangled up in its own overarching mystery or becomes the very formula it’s trying so hard to rewrite remains to be seen. I hope neither happens, but that’s all really beside the point. This right here is some mighty fine TV that’s well worth your valuable time and attention.

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