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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Everyone refuses to make eye contact in the new Daredevil poster.

This is a show that shouldn't be as good as it is. It isn't interested in converts. If super heroes (even grounded ones) turn you off... well this ain't Ibsen. But it's damn proud of what it is, which is a show with great action and design choices. I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, March 7, 2016

I decided against the poster.

I was gonna frame that Bioshock poster. I was gonna hang it above my bed. But I chickened out a bit. Gaming has always been something I didn't like wearing on my sleeve. I'm always cautious about any unspoken statement I could make. I'm a mumbler and people have a nasty habit of misunderstanding things I say.

But I love nerd sh*t! So much. I have a lovely claptrap figurine atop my PC tower right now. I have a shirt that's my favorite background gag of all time. A shirt that uses Bioshock to make fun of the Big Brothers-Big Sisters logo. A shirt that just looks like the Las Vegas sign.

Things that have an inherent beauty or sense of humor that most people could appreciate. Because if I make a statement with things I wear or carry around, I want the right message sent. I'll be a gaming cultural ambassador. Inviting, not off putting. Plus, I've found it's a great way to be able to talk about New Vegas!

So yes. Borderlands phone case today... poster I'll have to explain to future lady friends, later.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

I hope House of Cards is good this year... animated GIF

It has it's ups and downs, but damn if I haven't seen all of it. All Netflix is to me this days is a subscription to Parks and Rec and American Dad. I kinda need one or the other to sleep if I don't have a book that's any good. It's hard to turn down Kevin Spacey at the worst of times. If the story isn't worth it, the performances usually are.

That's enough for me sometimes. An actor showcase.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Allright Chance, I'll see your Iron Sky...

I never knew about President Palin, I'm totally on board now.

...and raise you Southbound:

It's trying to get into the neo-horror anthology club, but quite frankly, it's a cut above those guys. It's way more Twilight Zone than Saw and I've already seen it twice. None of the segments dragged, at least for me, and there's a stone cold masterpiece in the middle of it. Plus my favorite comedian cameos as a middle aged satanist. It'll scratch your horror itch good.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Oscar Coverage? Nah. I'm good.

I'm just not feeling it this year. I don't have a real dog in this fight, in that I don't feel strongly about any best picture in the running. The Revenant was, at the very least, gorgeous and well acted. I'm pretty irked at the folks who say Di Caprio simply grunted his way to the Oscars. I've seen how people get when they're that cold. I'm actually not sure he was acting, I felt for him almost the entire time. That dream sequence in the ruin was some pretentious time filling garbage I Will. Give. Them. That.

Everything else is fine. It wasn't a really good year. But you want my butt in the seat you should have put Inside Out in the brass ring. That really was the best movie this year, and don't give me that look Anomolisa. I mean... where the hell was I supposed to watch you?! Though I do think it's pretty funny that Charlie Kaufman made this with Dan Harmon and Dino Stamatopoulos. I seem to recall that Community had the single greatest take down of Kaufman's work to date.

But yet again, the ballots are simply stuffed with safe bets. Just like last year. And also just like last year... I got better things to do.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

You ever have one of those movies?

One of those movies that always gets you? I honestly don't know why anyone would try to make a superman movie after this. Brad Bird perfected it.