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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Striking Internet Gold

The internet is so full of people saying so much we can't find all the writing worth reading. But sometimes you're listlessly scrolling through a BMD comment section and sometimes someone holds up a nugget of gold: The most perfect summery of Bond's character arc in Casino Royale.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Digital Chicken Soup

Sometimes your worst enemy is yourself. I just had a dream that it was 8 years in the future and I had spent it all working in a decrepit strip mall pet store. Have I mentioned my sub-conscience is a motherf***er? Well he is, and I got dem' blues sumthin' fierce. Still, I think I know how to fix em':

2 years on, The Stick of Truth has aged marvelously. Now that I've come to grips with it's length, given it's 4 year development I wasn't thrilled that it clocked in barely under 10 hours, I appreciate it for it's successes. Like how it's basically a 4 part South Park episode with a solid action RPG underneath. It's still so damn funny and that's exactly what I need right now.

Oh, also my boss was Jimmy Pesto from Bob's Burgers. Because dreams are dumb.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

What my buddy thinks of no man's sky

Thanks Patrick!

I may not have a dog in this fight yet and I won't until it costs at least half as much as it does now, but my friend got his hands on it and he's luvin' it. He regaled me with a tale of how he spent 45 minutes trying to escape from a hole in a mountain made entirely of gold. I'm not sold yet, but a couple more stories like that and I might ponder it. But over a year ago I wasn't convinced there would actually be anything to do in NMS. It's sad to see a butt-ton of critics and commenters concede that exact sentiment.

Friday, August 12, 2016

One of those days.

Somedays I get home from work and I'll try to bake something interesting. A ziti or this awesome teriyaki shepherd's pie that one time. Nothing truly "Awful" happened today but man... I'm done. I have a small tub of microwavable mashed potatoes and I have a simple 3 step plan for it. I'm gonna drown it in sriracha, tie my hands behind my back and just embarrass myself. Good day to you all!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Jimquisition is down... becasue he didn't like No Man's Sky

Allegedly his review of No man's Sky is posted. But you can't see it. The promise of NMS, the idea that procedural generation has finally cracked "infinite" content has turned mere fandom into a cottage religion. When the release date was pushed back, the devs got death threats. When Jim gave a heavy sigh and said this wasn't his bag... they gave his site a dos attack. Classy as usual, gentleman.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Here's an idea: The Idea Channel is my favorite thing PBS has ever made

I love me some pop philosophy. Seeing as the scant few "academic" philosophers I've meet were thick and elitist creeps (though I'm sure most of you are quite lovely) I've always wanted some of their better ideas to break into the main stream.

I'm still shocked learning about logical fallacies isn't part of the core curriculum. Just think how much harder politicians would have to work if every voter knew what an ad hominem attack was! Mike Rugnetta is the perfect host for what could easily devolve into navel gazing tripe no one cares to finish listening to. He's affable, seriously funny, and knows exactly where he's going to loose the audience so he can turn to the camera and tell everyone to bear with the material. Because it'll be worth it!

Making philosophy accessible is a thankless job and I salute his years of service!

Monday, August 8, 2016

History for the Hardcore

I think I talked about Hardcore Game of Thrones a while back. It was cute seeing a guy managing to have an interesting lecture about all the stuff that happened outside the books. But he was mocking Dan Carlin's Hardcore History and since I'm deep in Inquisition (and I need a good  podcast to make it through that game's grindier aspects) I thought I'd give his series on the lead up to the Cold War a shot. It was 4 hours long and it. Was. Awesome.

It's a bird's eye view of America's transition into foreign affairs and the fall of the Russian Czars. If you think you know everything about either of those events Carlin's editorial voice compares and contrasts them both in ways that are worth your time.